Friday, June 11, 2010

Park Hoppin'

Cole and I had an errand to run early this morning (and by early, I mean 8:30 when we are normally in our pjs having breakfast) so we had some time as the only people at one of our neighborhood parks. When we were done freezing from the June Gloom we're experiencing we had a bagel, went to Target and then headed to another park to watch my neighbor's daughter for a bit. Turns out running around early and hitting two parks by 10:30 is the secret to getting Cole to nap at a decent hour!

Park #1

Park #2

I almost accidentally squashed this little guy but luckily for him Cole pointed him out in time for me to avoid him!

We tried to put him in a tree for safety but he kept falling out. Hopefully he found another safe spot! Cole thinks he turned into a butterfly already!

Cole swinging with his buddy Grace