Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just Another Monday (or Tuesday, or Wednesday...)

Cole is not like most almost-two-year-olds. Or maybe he is. He's like every almost-two-year-old combined. But mostly just the crazy traits. This kid has been skateboarding since 15 months. He climbs anything and everything. And then he jumps off. If he wants something he will find a way to get it. Even if it's on the top shelf. He's a crazy daredevil, keeps me on my toes, and he is hilarious and fun. Everyone should have a Cole in their life!

My husband thinks being a stay-at-home-mom is nothing but a picnic. All the time. He thinks I don't do anything but surf the net and watch TV all day. Funny, I rarely watch one show during the day! I do stop and chat to with my mommy friends now and then for a minute or two at a time but come on, I need to talk to someone who speaks English! Last week my husband told me I'm not keeping the house clean enough. And then he said if I just spent 10 minutes a day focusing on cleaning an area I could keep up. He must not live in the same house with the same kids as I do! So I thought I'd help him keep up with my daily lounging so he could see how little I do first hand!

I just thought this was funny. We were leaving to get Luke and I had one shoe on him when I smelled poop. So he got a diaper and got in position!
Cole REALLY wants to be able to get on the top bunk. We removed the ladder and he still tries. I'm guessing he'll make it by the time he's 3.

This is how I found the kitchen when I got home from a few hours out with friends. Actually, this is how it looked the next morning AFTER I loaded the dishwasher. This really has nothing to do with Cole (except for him preventing Ish and I from having time to clean the kitchen more often) but mostly I just like to have proof that I don't do nothing all day!

I didn't catch it in action (probably because I was busy reaching into the toilet and fishing paper towels out) so I just took a photo of the combo that could have let to a disaster. Luckily I got there just in time.

Everyday when Luke is trying to do his homework Cole climbs up and plays with the water in the sink. He does this when I make dinner too. Sometimes he gets water all over the counter and floor too. If you know of a way to stop this I will reward you!

Cole climbs up to the counter several times a day and points for "dat!" I never know what "dat" is though. So I go through every item in the cabinet and hope I pick the right "dat."

Ah, a fruit cup. Okay, I guess you can have a fruit cup!

This is my mess of a closet. I was in the middle of a project with my shoe organization if that makes any difference. It doesn't? Oh well. Who has time to clean their closet?! Why did I show this picture? Oh, the lollipop, that's right. He found that in my camera bag and had to have it. And this is where he decided to set it down. I snatched it when he wasn't paying attention and threw it out.

He found a Memory game in the closet that he got for Christmas. I was intending on saving it till he was older but he disagreed with that plan.

He realized his lollipop was missing and was off to search for it. The most logical place? Under my bed of course! He went all the way under there and out the other side.

He didn't find his lillipop under the bed but he found an old pacifier! And no, Cole can't just stick it in his mouth the normal way!

I have to constantly remove the toilet paper roll and put it out of reach (which is not easy to do, if you know Cole!) or he will put the entire thing in the toilet. He learned to flush this week and honestly, I'm surprised he didn't start flushing a year ago!

Out of toilet paper again! I wonder how that could have happened!

He decided he needed to take off all his clothes. And diaper. And then sit on his potty and the toilet and run around naked.

Naked again. And pulling out all of Luke's pajamas that I just put away.

I'm pretty sure I didn't look this tired at the beginning of the day. And it's only 4:00! My hubby doesn't get home till 7:30 or 8!

He kept stripping off his clothes. I found him in his brothers' room going through Bradley's dresser drawers.

Hey look! No dishes in the sink!

Luckily I found this before he dumped it all over the floor.

I think he was getting sleepy. No nap could do that to a kid! I swear the counter was clean 5 minutes before this. About 5 minutes later he fell off his stool landing on his head with the bowl of mac and cheese on top of him. He was fine after some cuddles and I finally got the cheese out of my hair. Eventually.

Now it's Tuesday and I'm ready to do it all again today! But since he was up from 3 - 6 am (and, consequently, so was I) I'm not sure I'll look quite as awake around 4:00 today!

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