Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Amazing - 22/365

Maybe I'm a little biased, but I think Cole is pretty amazing. He's always been pretty advanced at motor skills: he crawled right at 6 months, started climbing right after that, was riding skateboards at 1 (on his knees) and has been jumping off things taller than him for forever already! But when Ish said he wanted to take his training wheels off 2 months before his third birthday I said "no way!" I mean, really, he didn't learn to really pedal on it till we moved here three months ago, give him some time! So I was pretty surprised to find his bike without training wheels this morning. I was even more surprised to see Cole ride it like a champ!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Independent - 21/365

He's getting really independent and good at doing things for himself. Of course I'd like to keep him a baby and help him forever but he's never been the kind of kid to let me. It is good to know he still needs help with somethings!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Think I Can, I Think I Can... 20/365

Really? I have to do this for 345 more days? Really??? Today is a "oh yeah, I still have to take a picture and Cole is riding his bike with a popcycle (don't worry, he was really just sitting on it) in direct sun but I don't care" kind of photo. Maybe tomorrow I'll do better.

A cuter popcycle photo can be found here though:

Intense Gaming 19/365

I meant to post this last night. I really did! But then I remembered Modern Family was coming on and well, really, like I was going to miss that?!

Luke and Cole played Connect Four and boy are they serious about it. Which is funny because Cole doesn't really "get it" yet anyways!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Two For Tuesday - 18/365

Yep, it's popcicle weather here! Mid January and mid 70's and I'm not complaining!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Playtime 16/365

This whole picture-a-day thing isn't as easy as it sounds. Today I remembered after I woke up from a much needed nap but when the sun was already getting low. And Cole was inside playing to make it worse. So I upped my ISO to 3200 (gasp!) and went with it. So forgive the noise. I guess I could have grabbed my Speedlight but I am way to lazy to go hunt it down!

Gotta love Cole's mess of a room huh! Crazy to think that just a few months ago he didn't even have a bedroom and had almost just as many toys as he does now! Where did we put them all?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spring Saturday - 15/365

Maybe it's not Spring everywhere else but it certainly felt like it here. Flip flops came out, sweaters went away, and we FINALLY got grass seed going in an attempt to have a decent front yard soon! And Cole helped sweep the sidewalk.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Baths are for Babies - Day 14/365

Showers are way more fun that baths. Especially if you bring your cars and trucks in with you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Feeling Blue - 13/365

Blueberries are Cole's snack of the week. He can't get enough of them and yet he wants to share them with everyone!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Two For Tuesday - Day ? of 365

Ugh, yeah, I've lost track. Technically I think today is day 11. Well duh, it is because today is the 11th. But I'm behind so I'm posting two from today in an effort to catch up!

Luke got this book for Christmas with every Star Wars character imagineable. It basically has a picture and bio and he loves it but Cole loves it almost as much. This morning I had to tell him who each character was before I finally left him to read it to himself. And by read obviously I mean look at the pictures. He's smart but not reading yet!

After all that reading I decided to put him to work. We started cleaning the carpet downstairs since it's the only part of our house I didn't clean before we moved in. And the kids have already made messes on it. Cleaning with Cole is a challenge though because he wants to do it all himself! I'm sure I'll appreciate the help one day, though I'm not sure he'll be so willing by then!

Project 365- FAIL!

This photo is from yesterday. Which means even if I do another one for today I'm still like 3 days behind. And it's not always that I didn't take any photos that day, but just not of Cole. I will do better though, I will!

Yesterday Cole and I were playing in our backyard and our Christmas tree was out there because the trash truck comes today to pick it up. Cole asked me why the tree was dead now and I told him it was because we hadn't been watering it. A few minutes later he brings me the watering can and asks me to fill it up. After I do he takes it over to the tree and starts pouring water all over it. I love that kid, I really do! Even if he drives me crazy!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Finally Friday- Day 6/365

Today I was playing around with self-portraits which is ridiculous because 1: I hate being in front of the camera and 2: they are really hard to do well. Especially regarding focus. But I saw it as a challenge and so I spent a good part of my morning searching for the perfect light, my best angle, etc. I ended up in the bathtub. Yes, totally in it. What can I say, it has windows around it and gets great light in the morning! As I am in there playing with my camera Luke and Cole came in and joined the party. I asked Cole to kiss me on the cheek but that child can't be anything but silly. The end resut was an out-of-focus self portrait with Cole LICKING me and I am still sharing it (with the two people who actually read this!)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Two for Thursday

Okay so I missed yesterday. I didn't even touch my camera all day. So here's two for today to make up for it. I killed a spider and Cole couldn't contain his feelings about it!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Project 365 - Day 4

There isn't anything special about this image. I mean, the light is great (can't believe I have good light in my house finally!) but I am really not great at photoshopping the backdrop... and I loathe wrinkles. So maybe I'll try again tomorrow after ironing? But Cole did lay down and kind of listen to me so I thought it was worth posting for day 4!

Rainy Day

I'm a day late for yesterday's photo but I did take it yesterday so it still counts! We've been having too much rain lately and yesterday was another day where Cole had to stay inside. Just 'cause it's raining doesn't mean you can't dream of taking your board out to play though right?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Project 365- Day 2

Yay, day #2 and I haven't failed yet! Last year I did about 5 days before quitting so I need to just keep it up!

Today Cole was in the tub and I was just snapping pics of him and getting details and he decided that it was FUN to be in pictures! This from the kid who never looks at me and smiles! So I'd ask him to do things and he would and it was one of the best mornings ever (the things that make photographers happy!) So I told him to touch his nose with his toungue and got this:

I hope he remembers he likes being in photos when we try again tomorrow!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Keeping Up With My Blog

Wow, it's 2011 and this blog has been so neglected! I started it with good intentions and it became something I kept telling myself I'd update "tomorrow." Only tomorrow never made it happen. But this year I am doing a project 365. A photo a day all year. I will probably miss a day or ten but I am committed to keeping this blog going! I am also going to be doing a project 52... one photo a day, with Luke as well. I think I'll do that one seperately though. We'll see.

So day #1: Cole riding his bike in our yard in his jammies.