Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hiking Shoes

I'm trying hard to get the boys outside more. We don't have a backyard and so getting them out means getting ME out more too. Which is fine, I need to get outside in the fresh air and get some exercise anyways, it would just be NICE (not to mention convenient) to open the back door and say "go play" while I cook dinner or pick up toys. Or veg out. So in my attempt to get them out more we have taken up hiking in the trails near home. And by hiking I mean walking and exploring but going only as far as a two-year-old's legs can take him. Not to mention Luke must be home by 5 for his daily addiction: "The Most Extreme" on Animal Planet. So we leave at a time that will allow us to get back for at least part of Luke's show and we go exploring and the weather is so nice and the scenery is so gorgeous that I actually look forward to it now. Only today my car has a dead battery and so we are stranded and I am FINALLY doing a blog post since I am such a bad blogger. I just hope Ish gets my car running so we can go hiking again tomorrow!

Cole absolutely loves going hiking. He likes walking through the tall grass and finding ants and running "aster, aster!" If I ask him if he wants to go hiking he runs to get his shoes and repeats "iking" in his super excited tone. This morning I told him to get his shoes and he brought me a pair and dubbed them his "iking shoes" so that they shall be!

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