Friday, March 19, 2010


I don't believe in the "terrible twos." Luke was a JOY at two. I loved every minute of him being two. 18 months wasn't so easy. Four through six has been more difficult. But two was just fun. Or maybe I have forgotten the tough stuff?

Cole turned two yesterday. I am so excited to have a two-year-old again! We had such a fun day to celebrate. He woke up to his new scooter (which he calls a bike) and a new dump truck (trucks are his "thing" at the moment.) Playdate at the park with friends. Much needed nap and then a playdate at another park with other friends (and more cupcakes!) Daddy came home early and we went to Chik-Fil-A for dinner because they have a fun play area there. Then the evening was spent playing trains with Daddy.

I am amazed at how much this boy has changed in a year. Even as a baby he was (dare I say) "advanced" when it comes to getting around. Sat up unassisted at 5 months and crawled at 6 months. After that pulling-up and climbing came very quickly. Then walking, running, and climbing. Oh, and skateboarding. Now he has the big-kid playground equipment mastered and easily keeps up with 3 and 4 year olds. I thought for sure we'd have had at least one broken bone by now but thankfully, we have avoided that so far!

Not only can he get around now, Cole talks so much more than just a couple months ago! It's so nice that he can almost always tell me what he wants so we can avoid tantrums and meltdowns. He repeats EVERYTHING. It doesn't always sound anything like the word he's repeating but he tries and he comes close more than I expected! He understands everything too. Trucks, trains, and planes are his favorite things right now. There are regular trucks, "ucks" and fire trucks (any truck with a light on top) and dump trucks, or "dunks," and he just realized the differences in busses so now we knows bus too. And airplane and helicopter (which were also called airplane until yesterday) and train (woo woo) and of course car. I guess he is 100% boy. Except when he tries to put on my makeup in the morning. But don't tell Daddy.

The craziest thing is how independent Cole is becoming. He has to do everything himself. No help from Mommy anymore. Some things are fine, like eating. Others scare me, like going down the stairs (which he likes to jump down one stair at a time.) He tries to dress himself now and when he succeeds he yells "I DID IT!" and is oh so proud. And I am too. And Cole is so loving. He is always up for a hug and kiss. He never gets tired of giving them and I never get tired if getting them. He's my little love bug and I am so excited to see him grow as a two-year old!

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